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Cleaning process

Visit to the facilities
Extraction and screening
Final lead shot cleaning
Soil Replacement

PLOMB & ECOLOGIC follows the following steps during the process of cleaning and decontamination of ammunition and lead shot in outdoor and indoor shooting facilities.

1) Visit to the facilities

A first technical visit is appointed to the facilities to assess the volume of existing lead and check the feasibility of the project. At the end an estimate of the duration of the work is carried out and a timetable is planned.

2) Beginning of work: Extraction and screening

Soil is processed using manual and/or mechanical equipment. Lead shot deposited in the soil is collected and treated using screening equipment which separates the elements from the soil through filtration processes.

3) Final lead shot cleaning

The remaining soil attached to lead shot is cleaned, so that its later casting and alloying can be carried out correctly.

4) Soil Replacement

Already processed soil is replaced in a uniform way. All works are performed in situ, no soil is removed from the shooting facilities. We can guarantee you that the soil of your facilities will finish in a better condition than prior to the cleaning work.

5) Transport

Material is regularly transported to foundries specialised in recycling and treatment of lead ammunition.